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Selected Article
High intensity fire accelerates accumulation of a stable ... 2023-07-27
Ship Contour Extraction From SAR Images Based on Faster R... 2023-07-27
The lipoxygenase gene AfLOX4 of Amorpha fruticosa L. is a... 2023-07-27
How climate warming and plant diversity affect carbon gre... 2023-07-27
Soil microbial necromass regulation of long-term fertiliz... 2023-07-27
Microplastic migration and distribution in the terrestria... 2023-07-27
MDE-UNet: A Multitask Deformable UNet Combined Enhancemen... 2023-07-27
A novel fine-resolution snow depth retrieval model to rev... 2023-07-27
A nationwide survey of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (... 2023-07-27
Overexpression of the aldehyde dehydrogenase AhALDH3H1 fr... 2023-07-27
Article The genetic basis of high-latitude adaptation in ... 2023-07-27
Selection of rhizosphere communities of diverse rotation ... 2023-07-27
Soil erosion resistance factors in different types of gul... 2023-07-27
Hydrological and erosion responses of steep spoil heaps t... 2023-07-27
Genome-Wide Identification and Analysis of OsSPXs Reveale... 2023-07-27
Effects of floral traits on geitonogamous selfing rates a... 2023-07-27
Temporal Trends and Future Projections of Accumulated Tem... 2023-07-27
Elevated CO2 and temperature increase arbuscular mycorrhi... 2023-07-27
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Copyright: Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, CAS
Email: lishuang@iga.ac.cn Address: 4888 Shengbei Street, Changchun 130102, P. R. China