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Research Progress
Wildfire and global warming promote permafrost peatlands ... 2020-03-05
Marshland loss warms local land surface temperature in China 2020-03-02
Wetland-Atmosphere Methane Exchange in Northeast China: A... 2019-12-03
New progress achieved in the influence mechanism of nitro... 2019-12-03
New Progress Achieved in Evaluation of All Dust Emission ... 2019-11-13
New Progress Achieved in Optimal Band Selection of Hypers... 2019-10-18
New Progress Achieved in Crop Monitoring and Separability... 2019-10-18
Researchers uncover the relation between heat and solute ... 2019-10-16
Linking plant community composition with the soil C pool,... 2019-09-20
Chinese academy traces exotic cordgrass invasion on coasts 2019-05-30
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Copyright: Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, CAS
Email: lishuang@iga.ac.cn Address: 4888 Shengbei Street, Changchun 130102, P. R. China