Professor Z. M. Wang had successfully published an article at SCIENCE (2010, Vol. 327, P. 1199, Mar. 5, 2010,) entitled “A greener future for China’s cities”together with J.M. Chen, professor from department of Geography, University of Toronto, Canada.
The article aims at environmental strategy and copping with climate change, disusing about the issue “megacities’s pollution emission and climate changes” which purposed at SCIENCE (2009,Vol. 326, P.674)by Sino-American research teams. It is acknowledged that there is encouraging evidence that China is striving to build more low-carbon cities while there are many statistics to prove Chinese government’s effort to build low-carbon cities. At the same time, addressing air pollutions and climateforcing agents in Chinese cities will require strategic urban planning, large scale inputs of finances and technology, new regulations, and lifestyle changes.
It is a great research achievement of Wang’s long-time study in global change and ecosystem research, which was sponsored by important direction of Chinese Academy of Sciences Knowledge Innovation Project (KZCX2-YW-341) .The research team would continue in-depth study on large-scale terrestrial ecosystem carbon balance and climate change, human activity factors.