The International Symposium on Mollisols Agroecology and Agricultural Sustainability has been successfully held in Harbin from June 8th to 10th, which was sponsored by Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGA), Bureau of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Foreign Experts Bureau of Heilongjiang province. More than 200 experts and scholars, from the United States, Canada, Japan, Israel and other countries, domestic universities and scientific research institutions attended the symposium.
The northeast black soil area is one of the world's four big black soil area, it has an unique advantage and major support of agricultural production in northeast China, and plays a decisive role in ensuring national food security. After one hundred years of development and utilization, a series of problems, such as the black soil layer thinning, compaction, soil erosion, soil degradation, soil environmental pollution and so on have occurred, which expose a serious threat to the national food security and the sustainable utilization of black soil resources. The state attaches great importance to the conservation of black soil resources in northeast China and the restoration of the environment. In May 2016, the President Xi Jinping visited Heilongjiang province and gave a special emphasis on better conservation and utilization of Mollisols. IGA organized a series of international seminars focusing around the agricultural resources and environment at the core of the scientific issues of black soil areas, along with in-depth academic discussion and communication, and promotion of the exchanges and cooperation with scientists of both at home and abroad. This conference was once again an important event to promote the international conservation of the black soil!
Presided over by Prof Zhang Pingyu, Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee, Vice Director of IGA, the Opening Session began with a welcome speech, given by Prof He Xingyuan, Director of IGA. Prof He extended a warm welcome to all participants, and introduced the 60-years development history of IGA. He stressed that at this significant historical moment of the 60 year establishment of IGA, while sharing this joy, it was more important that through this international symposium we can benefit more knowledge and friendships.
With the 20 invited speakers from abroad and home, the conference focuses the topics like Mollisols management in America, Digital soil mapping in Canada, Mollisols classification, Soil erosion, Nitrogen recycling and pollution control, and Mollisols microbes etc. This conference offered a platform to all the participants to exchange ideas and experiences with one another. Staffs and students from IGA took part in this conference and discussed with other participants. (Zhu xiangming reports)