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    Jilin Society of Remote Sensing
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    Remote Sensing Society of Jilin Province is a mass academic group of the Jilin remote sensing scientific and technological workers. Its aims are as follows: insist on the society's academic  nature, mass character, public welfare of the society, hold together the society's members and the huge remote sensing scientific and technological workers, center on economic construction, prosper and develop the remote sensing cause of Jilin Province and China, extensively develop home and abroad academic intercommunication of remote sensing science and technology, promote the popularization and improvement of remote sensing science and technology.

    The society brings the tie function into full play since it was founded in 1986. At present, the society has 150 members from 15 units, 60% of which has acquired senior professional title, doctor degree or master degree. The society sets up four major councils, which are Remote Sensing Instrument Council, Remote Sensing Geology Council, Geographical Information System Council, Resource and Environment Remote Sensing Council. In recent years, each society's unit has acquired evident achievement by exploiting remote sensing technology in the following fields: resource investigation, land use, searching water and mines, environmental protection, disaster prediction, crop yield estimation, remote sensing instrument development, image processing, basic theory research, etc. The Society produced the first popular science TV special topic program “Remote Sensing” in our country and carried out various sciences popularization activities.

    Copyright: Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, CAS
    Email: lishuang@iga.ac.cn Address: 4888 Shengbei Street, Changchun 130102, P. R. China