Director: LI Wenhua
Vice Director: HE Yan, LIN Peng, ZHANG Jianlong, YANG Chaofei
Secretary General: LU Xianguo
Special Committee of Wetland Ecology of Ecological Society of China was founded in August 1998 in Changchun City on the need of wetland science and technical development. Its office is in Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, CAS. The aims of this committee firstly, is to organize national and international academic exchange to advance the wetland research progress in China by exchanging different viewpoints and news from different disciplines/subjects. Secondly, it will enhance the propaganda of the importance of wetland conservation, protection and restoration by assessing the functions and value of wetlands.
As a committee supported and sponsored by the Ecological Society of China (ESC), it has become an important academic organization in wetland sciences field.
The seminars of Wetland Resources Protection and Sustainable Development of Wetland in China were held at the same time of Ecological Society of China Wetland Ecology Technic committee’s foundation, and the initiative of "Protecting Wetlands, Benefiting Human" was held during this conference. In 2002, the committee participated Chinese Western Popular Science Forum organized by Ecological Society of China(ESC).